
Kulbir's Cartoon Board
Kulbir's Cartoon Board

Inspired and fascinated by Cartoons since childhood, assuming (and still with that conviction!! 🙂 ) that cartoons are real, growing up with these awesome friends, I had a natural affinity towards Cartoons. I started making cartoons early on.

Most or rather all of the cartoons that I grew up with were Western cartoons. These included Tintin ( would begin with this lovely inquistive fellow 🙂 !), going on to Richie Rich and the gang, Archies and the entire class and so many more.

Growing up as a Sikh, a turbaned Sikh and belonging to a traditional Sikh family, the “cartoon” or “CartoonITY” in me flowed out as a Sikh cartoon, many a time. Lol.

Lately in the last past 4 years less or more, I had the chance to make and (this time) save these cartoons. Thanks to the IT industry!

Sharin a few of my cartoon buddies…..really haven’t named them anything…..they’re most stand-alone, one-frame cartoons in contrast to a series. Hope these guys amuse you.

Hey, my cartoons, you must amuse each of my friends!!! Make them laugh. We need laughter to spread!!! Go, Go, Go!

– Kulbir