Honoring Paul and Continuing Education

Paul Poberezny used to say that EAA is like a three-legged stool.

“It has an aviation component, or leg, a social component, or leg, and an education component, or leg. If any one leg of the stool is not in place, the stool falls over, and so does EAA,” explained John Egan, EAA senior manager for Chapters and Young Eagles.

“For many years there has been an image of a stool that we’ve been using to promote this concept, and now we finally have an actual wooden stool of our own,” John said. “We educate our chapter leaders on this subject matter, and we teach them that if they follow this rule, having an education, social, and aviation leg of their chapter, they will be successful.”

EAA Chapter 36 Vice President Gary Keller decided it was time that EAA finally had a real stool, and offered to turn the image into reality.

John said the chapters department is looking forward to taking this stool to chapter events as an educational tool.

“We travel around the country in the winter months, putting on chapter leadership boot camps, and we also invite chapters to come to Oshkosh in the winter months to attend a chapter leadership training academy, so this stool will be a great visual aid to talk about this philosophy that Paul Poberezny instilled in us,” John said.

Gary fabricated two wooden stools, one for EAA’s chapters department to use as an educational aid, and the other for EAA CEO and Chairman of the Board Jack J. Pelton to keep in his office.

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