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Human Resources

Making Star Teams Out of Star Players

July 17, 2024 ks 0

Top talent is an invaluable asset: In highly specialized or creative work, for instance, “A” players are likely to be six times as productive as “B” players…. […]

Human Resources

How to Keep Your Star Performers in Trying Times

July 17, 2024 ks 0

When the economy is slow and unemployment rates are high, it’s easy to think your employees will happily stay put in their current jobs. But that’s a dangerous assumption. Research shows that voluntary turnover rates increase as consumer confidence builds. This means, as a manager, you need to figure out ways to retain your top […] […]

Human Resources

Is it Time for Mutiny?

July 17, 2024 ks 0

A close study of the real thing — seafarers’ insurrections during the Age of Discovery — might help you decide. […]

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Human Resources

Giving a High Performer Productive Feedback

July 17, 2024 ks 0

Giving feedback, particularly constructive feedback, is often a stressful task. As counterintuitive as it may seem, giving feedback to a top performer can be even tougher. Top performers may not have obvious development needs and in identifying those needs, you can sometimes feel like you’re being nitpicky or over-demanding. In addition, top performers may not […] […]

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Human Resources

A Question of Character

July 17, 2024 ks 0

Joe Ryan turned a small-town cosmetics company into a national powerhouse, making employees happy and shareholders rich in the process. Does it really matter that he cheats on his wife? […]

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Human Resources

The Toxic Handler: Organizational Hero—and Casualty

July 17, 2024 ks 0

When companies cause emotional pain through nasty bosses, layoffs, and change, a certain breed of “healing” manager steps in to keep the gears moving. They are toxic handlers—unsung corporate heroes who save the day, but often pay a high price. […]

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